Ocean Research and Conservation Group
The oceans are under severe threat from direct and indirect human impacts, including the all-encompassing effects of climate change. In order to understand the implications of such threats our work is aimed at understanding how the biodiversity of the oceans is distributed, the environmental variables that influence biological communities, how marine ecosystems work and the location and magnitude of human impacts. Only through such a holistic approach is it possible to help to plan for future management and conservation of marine ecosystems and their component parts. Inevitably this means that we also address and shape the policies that govern human activities influencing both coastal and oceanic marine ecosystems.
Ocean Research and Conservation Group
The oceans are under severe threat from direct and indirect human impacts, including the all-encompassing effects of climate change. In order to understand the implications of such threats our work is aimed at understanding how the biodiversity of the oceans is distributed, the environmental variables that influence biological communities, how marine ecosystems work and the location and magnitude of human impacts. Only through such a holistic approach is it possible to help to plan for future management and conservation of marine ecosystems and their component parts. Inevitably this means that we also address and shape the policies that govern human activities influencing both coastal and oceanic marine ecosystems.